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Annex F: Table of substantive changes from September 2023

This table explains where we made substantive changes.

Caption: Annex F: Table of substantive changes from September 2023
Where What
Summary About the guidance

Part one

Safeguarding information for all staff

Paragraph 13 Updated link to Behaviour in schools’ guidance.
Paragraph 14 New text added to raise awareness of the existing expectation for relevant staff to understand filtering and monitoring.

Part two

The management of safeguarding

Paragraph 103 Added reference to filtering and monitoring.
Paragraph 124 New text added to make clear staff training should include understanding roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring.
Paragraph 138 Reference to child protection policies and appropriate filtering and monitoring on school devices and school networks.
Paragraph 142 Added new section referencing the new published filtering and monitoring standards. The standards are to support schools meet their duty to have appropriate/effective filtering and monitoring systems in place, this is not a new burden.
Paragraph 144 Reference to cyber security standards.
Paragraph 167 Updated to reference Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings.
Paragraph 175 Clarification provided on the difference between children missing education and children absent from education.
Paragraph 202 Additional signpost to specialist organisations for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Part three

Safer recruitment

Footnote 221 Clarification that it is good practice for schools to inform shortlisted candidates that online searches will be carried out.
Paragraphs 276-277 Paragraph re-ordered to flow better.

Part four


New heading and paragraph Organisations or individuals using school premises.

Part five

Child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment

Throughout the guidance Revised to reflect wording in behaviour guidance.

Annex A

Safeguarding information for school and college staff

  Revised to reflect changes in Part one.

Annex B

Further information

Children absent from education Revised to reflect the difference between children absent from education and children missing education.
Forced Marriage Reflects change in law from February 2023.
Child Exploitation New reference to multi-agency practice principles.